For Smile

President's Message

Since Nihon Medix was established in 1976, we have primarily addressed to by pain relief producing electrical stimulation, e.g. low-frequency massage devices and SSP therapeutic instruments as well as by using technologies including thermotherapy, cryotherapy and infrared therapy. Thanks to our users and distributors, 50,000 SSP therapeutic instruments and 30,000 interferential current therapeutic instruments have been sold and are used regularly. As well as these low-frequency wave therapeutic instruments, we have contributed to wide-ranging medical services and welfare by developing products, including devices for rehabilitation, care-giving and relaxation and enriching our instrument lineups over the past 30 years.
Our mission is to provide products and services that please many patients in a wide range of medical fields; using all our technologies and resources to focus on pain relief, which is our job at Nihon Medix. We have also decided that the age has come for the second phase of our formation. We, the entire company staff, would like to collaborate and establish a new era with foresight and humility, using our current results as a base to move forward from. We want to progress further to fulfill our customer expectations and more.
We would appreciate your further support, encouragement and patronage as we move forward, working to serve you better.

Our Mission

To research and develop new world-class medical instruments to realize a genuinely affluent society where everyone can live healthily

To further boost medical progress and welfare by providing highly reliable products that everyone can use with peace of mind.

About Us

Nihon Medix Co., Ltd. was established in Japan in 1976 as a manufacturer of electrical therapeutic instruments, since which time it has offered high-quality medical instruments as a leading company of electrical therapeutic instruments in Japan. The SSP therapy,which we hare developed and advanced through joint industry-university research with the Department of Anesthesiology, Osaka Medical College and used for needle-less acupuncture treatment in hospitals and clinics worldwide.

At present we manufacture, import, distribute and export general instruments for physical therapy and rehabilitation equipment for pain control, rehabilitation, physical therapy, occupational therapy, sports, nursing care and welfare services.

In terms of quality, Nihon Medix Co., Ltd. obtained the ISO 13485 certification in 2005 and established a quality assurance system in accordance with the Ministerial Ordinances on Good Quality Practice (GQP) and Good Vigilance Practice (GVP) for the manufacture and sale of medical instruments. We also established a Quality Management System (QMS) for the manufacture of medical instruments as required by the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act of Japan, as part of daily efforts to enhance quality.


Our overseas business was initiated over 30 years ago; commencing with the import of rehabilitation and physical therapy equipment. Currently, we export our products, mainly physical therapy equipment, to more than 20 countries, which have, in turn, particularly acclaimed and studied the potential of our SSP therapeutic instruments to reduce pain. The principles of pain are common worldwide. To reduce this pain as far as possible, we would like to provide medical instruments over the world as the company with the greatest annual sales volume of low-frequency therapy equipment in Japan to meet global medical instruments needs.

* SSP is a registered trademark of Nihon Medix Co., Ltd.

Company Information(As of January 1, 2018)

Established January 1976
Number of Employees 150
Capital 100 million yen
Certificate ISO13485, Second-class Marketing Authorization Holders
Head Office & Factory 2-5-1 Oshimata, Kashiwa, Chiba, 277-0922 Japan
Branches Sapporo, Sendai, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Kanazawa, Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe, Okayama, Hiroshima, Takamatsu, Kyushu, Kagoshima
Products SSP, physical therapy, rehabilitation equipment

